Swipe to Donate Life
Swipe to Donate Life Is A "Game Changer" For Donor Registration
Now everyone in your organization can register new organ donors anywhere/anytime in just seconds!
Designed with security, speed, ease of use and scalability in mind, Countermind’s Swipe to Donate Life mobile application is used to register organ donors in public settings with just a swipe or scan of a drivers license (USA or Canada). In just seconds, the donor information is accurately captured and securely transmitted to the organ donor registry. Swipe eliminates costly paperwork and assures speed, privacy, and accuracy.
Swipe will enable your organization to:
Scan drivers licenses to quickly and accurately collect donor information with little or no typing!
Eliminate the costs, delays, and potential errors of collecting registrations using paper forms
Transmit all captured data to your state's organ donor registry
Can be customized to the needs or your organization
Uses strong encryption to protect donor information
Keeps statistics on registrations to track results at events
Is distributed through private mechanisms to keep the app away from potential hackers
Available for iOS and Android. Now also available in a kiosk configuration for placement at locations where donors can register themselves.
Donor Network of Arizona and seven other states use Swipe To Donate Life to register organ donors. Here is Swipe in action:
Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland uses a Swipe To Donate Life kiosk to register organ donors at the Sinai Hospital Donor Memorial Wall: